Cemetary (1213) - The Beast Divine Digipak RARE!
Recorded 2000. RARE!!!
Awesome Swedish Gothic Metal.
Matthias Lodmalm had fronted the Bors based Gothic Metal act CEMETARY for a series of highly praised albums. However, by 1997's highly Gothic influenced 'Last Confession' CEMETARY had, in effect, become a solo vehicle for Lodmalm although he was also diverting his efforts to new act SUNDOWN.
With SUNDOWN's demise in 2000 Lodmalm resurrected the band under the new title of CEMETARY 1213 for the album 'The Beast Divine'.
Track list:
1.The Lighting / Firewire
2. Union Of The Rats
3. Silicon Karma (It Just Can't Stay The Same)
4. AntiChrist 3000
5. The Carrier
6. Linking Shadows
7. Sunset Grace
8. Dead Boy Wonder (Let-Me-Die-Alone)
9. Empire Of The Divine
10. Anthem Apocalypse