Cripple Bastards - Desperately Insensitive.
Death Metal/Grind from Italy. 2003 Asti based Grindcore act CRIPPLE BASTARDS have over the years forged alliances with many of their international colleagues on a series of split singles. The group came into being when teenagers vocalist / guitarist Alberto (16) and drummer Giulio (13) teamed up with the Punk-Metal band GRIMCORPSES. By 1988 an extreme Metal direction had been decided upon and a name switch to CRIPPLE BASTARDS highlighted this shift. Track Listing: 1. Fear in the Squats of the Dead 2. When Immunities Fall 3. Cardboard 4. Intravenous Love-Drip 5. Odio a Prima Vista 6. Bomb ABC No Rio 7. Mushroom Diarrhoea 8. Rak Ne Prestaje 9. Get Out and Bite Them 10. Desperately Insensitive 11. Me & Her in a Microcosm of Torture 12. Jurisdictions 13. Time of the Vultures 14. Idiots Think Slower 15. I Hate Her 16. Inside Out 17. Being Ripped Off in 2002 18. Respect or Death 19. Partner Della Convenienza