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Heavy Metal / Hardcore Specialist

Rob Zombie's Halloween 1 & 2 Ultimate Edition - Blu Ray (4 Discs).

SKU Rob_Zombie_s_Halloween_1___2_Ultimate_Edition_-_Blu_Ray__4_Discs__

Barb Wire (BLURAY)

SKU barb-wire-bluray


SKU deathgasm

Martin - Horror by George A. Remero

SKU martin-horror-by-george-a--remero

Day Watch

SKU day-watch

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

SKU the-texas-chainsaw-massacre-2

The Hills have Eyes

SKU the-hills-have-eyes

Return of the Living Dead 3.

SKU return-of-the-living-dead-3-

Seven (special edition).

SKU seven-special-edition-

Halloween (Rob Zombie remake)

SKU halloween-rob-zombie-remake

Dawn of the Dead - George A. Remero

SKU dawn-of-the-dead-george-a--remero

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2 Disc)

SKU the-texas-chainsaw-massacre-2-disc

Day of the Dead 2: Contagium

SKU day-of-the-dead-2-contagium

The Hills have Eyes (Original) 2 Disc

SKU the-hills-have-eyes-original-2-disc

The Hills have Eyes 2 (Origninal)

SKU the-hills-have-eyes-2-origninal

Trilogy of the Dead - 4 Disc!

SKU trilogy-of-the-dead-4-disc

Gag (Brutal - just as good as Saw!)

SKU gag-brutal-just-as-good-as-saw

The Zombie Diaries

SKU the-zombie-diaries

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

SKU the-texas-chainsaw-massacre-the-beginning


SKU rogue

Day of the Dead (Remake) - Awesome!!!

SKU day-of-the-dead-remake-awesome

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